Workforce Housing Committee
Creating long-term housing for our local workforce
The goal of the Mammoth Lakes Workforce Housing Program is to increase the supply and availability of long-term housing in Mammoth Lakes. Providing the local workforce with more housing options will ultimately make for a happier, healthier and more vibrant community for both the residents and visitors of Mammoth Lakes.
The steering committee meets regularly to discuss options for creating more long-term housing through the Mammoth Lakes Chamber of Commerce Workforce Housing Program.
What Else is the Chamber Doing for Housing in Mammoth Lakes?
The Chamber understands the pressure a lack of housing can have on the local workforce and local businesses. Putting the committee discussions to work, the Chamber founded and runs the Workforce Housing Program. This program serves as a matchmaking service for second homeowners and the local workforce. For more information on this program and our current listings, visit the Workforce Housing Page.